A few days ago my partner informed me he had seen the critter that I consider to be my arch-nemesis: The lubber grasshopper. These foul creatures can become huge, they hiss and attack anything near them, and they shoot a nasty toxic foam from both ends. They are immune to most pesticides and nothing eats them. Luckily we caught them when they were in their nymph stage. Last year we tried to deal with the problem manually, but these beasts were too prolific. This year there was no fooling around: Chris went outside and applied Seven, as it seems to be one of the few things that will kill these garden devastators.

After enough time had passed, we assembled our raised beds and filled them with soil. We also picked up a few seedlings more mature than the ones in the back room. Some heirloom tomatoes and a few squash varieties. I put the bandywine and roma seedlings into the bed as well.
Because of my problems in the past with getting tomatoes to fruit, I decided that, since it was on sale anyways, we would see how Mater Magic would work.
Tomorrow we will move the rest of the seedlings from the back room and I will give a brief update then.
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